
A teenage dream is manifesting

A teenage dream is manifesting

If you are on your spiritual journey, you are probably aware of the Lions Gate Portal which happens every year on the 8th of August (8/8) TODAY!

The double energy of eight on August 8 (8/8) is auspicious. Eight is known as the powerhouse number, it’s the infinite symbol balance and manifestation. It’s also the number of power and wealth, acting as a bridge between the material and spiritual realms. 

August 8th has always been experienced as the Lions Gate doorway opening up a time portal to ancient Egyptian encodings situated between the Sphinx and the Great Pyramid of Giza. It is said to be an energy doorway, which activates through the Solar Lion into the etheric and the Hall of Records (Akasha) and is said to be associated with the marriage of matter and antimatter, where polarities meet and merge. Encrypted at sacred sites all over the world, but headquartered at Giza Egypt, these long-established data programmes, communicate with our own inner crystalline codes held in our DNA. By tuning in and connecting with these codings, we may be able to access a portal ancient truths and wisdoms resulting in an accelerated spiritual awakening. 

During the peak on the 8th you may range from feeling absolutely full of energy to feeling totally  exhausted – it’s hard work breaking up old DNA, and programming – you are essentially becoming a new human. 

Wow, this may sound a little Woo-woo for some of you, and that’s fine, what I realised since I started talking out loud about Feng Shui and energy, is that I needed to step into who I truly am and follow my purpose. As a teenage girl, I was fascinated by Egypt, horoscopes, planets, and all spiritual aspects but it wasn’t ‘the right thing’ to talk about and was told to stop this nonsense and had to suppress this passion, until now!

The Lions Gate is a marker of the end of a cycle, but it is a cycle within itself. The start of the opening can often bring uncomfortable issues to the surface – this is to help you to release anything that you don’t need to take into the new cycle. The start of the Lions Gate awakening is the time of reflection and reassessment. As we are in full Lions Gate’s energy and this renewal energy, it is time for me to step into Claire V.2 T (turbo)… 

And to start this 4th momentum in my life, I decided to live a dream which has been suppressed for 30 years. Everything always happens for a reason, right? When I was in Dubai, I met my friend Julie Lewis, who was sharing her objective to celebrate her 60th birthday with 6 amazing trips in 2022. As she shared the locations of her adventures, she mentioned Egypt.

What? Egypt? Wow, I have always wanted to go there, all she had to say was why don’t you??

So, before my big move to Dubai, we will be spending 10 incredible days in Egypt, who is coming with us??

From the Pyramids to the Museum, Temple of Isis to the Valley of the Queens, a few days cruising on the Nile and wild camping whilst stars gazing in the black and white desert… A fabulous Scottish goddess will be our tour guide, she has lived in Egypt for 30 years and will take us places no other tourists will see…

As I am walking into my 50 years on earth, I thought this is going to perfect way to celebrate this new chapter in my life and would love for you to join us on that amazing adventure. CLICK here to download the Jewels of the Nile Trip and get in touch with me or Julie if you want more details…

8 thoughts on “The Energy of Being Fifty”


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