
Decluttering your office to grow your business

Decluttering your office to grow your business

What does your desk look like? Come on turn around and look at your desk for a minute?

Can you see cups? Papers? Magazines? Telephone? Wallet? Packet of sandwich? Books??

Can you actually see your mouse, or is it buried under and pile of clutter??

One of the biggest energy blocker is clutter…

Clutter is energy block; your environment is an extension of you and clutter in your home or your home office maybe holing them back mentally and emotionally. Everything has energy in its frequency, so if you have items that you keep and don’t hold good memories or feel you have to keep it for some reason but when you let it go, it is a real freedom.

Clearing clutter is the biggest issues in home spaces and work space… so the second steps in BizShui Method is to get a grip with clutter…

Taking responsibility of our physical space to support our mental wellbeing, our environment affect our behaviours, therefore we must look at our home, offices and make sure you have harmonious space to support you, your family or employees’ mental wellbeing.

Many researchers have proven that physical clutter at home or at the workplace affects productivity in a negative way. A cluttered desk or office can negatively affect your mood, resilience, and ability to work productively, and disorder creates stress which can cause low moods. Very cluttered businesses can provoke emotional and mental distress, mainly because its occupants feel like they have no control over their spaces and therefore lives.

Your ability to focus is restricted in cluttered environments, as well as your brain’s ability to process information. Clutter makes you distracted and unable to process information as efficiently as you do in an uncluttered, organized, and serene environment. Simply put — clutter competes for your attention, and it may be exhausting to fight and resist it all the time, which increases your annoyance, all the while wearing your mental resources down — ultimately making you frustrated. And of course, there’s nothing more unproductive than a frustrated worker.

So here are four Shui Moves, very simple Feng Shui tips on how to overcome clutter and gain your clarity again:

  • My dear mentor, Davina Mackail taught me, pick up every item and ask yourself the three following questions, do you LOVE IT — NEED IT — USE IT if you can’t answer with a BIG YES, time to gt rid of it!
  • Schedule a time to declutter, decluttering can be very emotional and bring a lot of memories good and bad, so doing a whole weekend blitz may not be the best option, instead I am giving you a challenge, schedule 9 minutes for 9 days and start seeing the energy shifting
  • Find out exactly what you use and find a place for everything: can you find in the dark a candle, some batteries and a fuse?? know what’s in your house and where it lives, know how to find it it will save you a lot of time and physical effort…
  • Sort, move, through away and donate: you feel good when you are giving something beautiful, aren’t you? you feel grateful and you release some fantastic Oxytocin hormones and this makes you feel good and happy, so imagine how someone will feel when they get your stuff, so go ahead, make someone happy today!
  • Clear your space with intentions… this is when the magic happen, what are you clearing and what do you want to attract into your life. If you clearing your filing cabinet, what amazing clients do you want to attract, if you are clearing your fridge, how healthy do you want to feel…

Remember clutter isn’t only physical — it can be digital, too. So look at your computer, your phone, your apps that you never use and slow down your phone, photos can be saved on a drive keep those that you need, your desktop only keep files what you use regularly… and one last reminder; clutter can be people, customers, employees, friends, people around you which aren’t supporting your growth…

Take on my 9×9 Decluttering Challenge and see new opportunities manifesting! Here is the challenge I am giving you, 9 minutes of decluttering for 9 days… who is up for it? 

Send me your photos before and after so I can share the transformations on social media!!

8 thoughts on “The Energy of Being Fifty”


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